“Sure, you little tattletale. She only likes you because she’s your godmother. No one would if given the choice.”

– Adrian bullying Audrey about Maribelle in Chapter 1: There You Are

Adrian Bagley
Biographical information
Age: 12-13 years
Birthday: January 7th, 1900
Location: Chamberfield, MH
Physical description
Coat color: Blue
Coat length: Very short
Eye color: Copper
Height: Average
Outfit: Brown vest and bow-tie
There You AreThe PilgrimImproper

Adrian is a schoolkitten in Maribelle’s class who lives in Chamberfield. He is the leader of a gang of miscreant boys, Frankie, Milo, and Seamus, who frequently disobey their teacher. His family run the town’s train system and are relatively wealthy, which contributes to Adrian’s sense of pride. Some of his favorite classmates to bully are the socially awkward Willy, Henry, and Audrey. However, he thinks highly of Audrey’s sister, Louise.



  • He is based on the British shorthair cat breed.
  • Adrian is a first cousin once removed of Percy Eaton, and both belong to a family who have long resided in Chamberfield.

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School kittens
Audrey Louise Esther Willy Henry AdrianFrankieMiloSeamus