“Mmm, yes, a bear attack would be an awfully bad first impression.”

– Audrey taking safety precautions in Chapter 2: The Pilgrim

Audrey Brown
Biographical information
Age: 11-12 years
Birthday: April 23rd, 1901
Location: Chamberfield, MH
Mother: Gloriana Brown
Father: Charles Brown
Godmother: Maribelle Sakda
Sisters: Louise BrownAbigail Brown
Physical description
Coat color: Tortoiseshell & white
Coat length: Short & wavy
Eye color: Jade-green
Height: Small
Outfit: Mint dress
There You AreThe PilgrimMake Mine MelodiesThe PicnicImproper

Audrey is the primary protagonist of The Lion’s Daughter. She is the youngest daughter of the Brown family and is completing her final year at the schoolhouse. Boisterous and strong-willed, Audrey often gets into trouble with the other school kittens and she has trouble making friends. Particularly drawn to the forest, Audrey loves playing imaginary games with her quieter littermate, Louise.

However, Audrey desperately wants the approval of her older sister, Abigail, who has been distant all of Audrey’s life. Though Audrey and Louise get along well, Audrey is occasionally frustrated by Louise’s aversion to conflict. When a new girl named Esther arrives in town, Audrey is relieved to finally find a cat she can confide in.


An animation meme featuring Audrey


"I'm not afraid of spiders. And if a fox showed up, I'd teach it never to show it's ugly face around here again. Right Louise?"
- Audrey on the forest in Chapter 1: There You Are

Esther: "I-it's not that big of a deal. Just something to look out for in the future.
Audrey: "I-I understand. I know I talk too much. Thank you for telling me."
- Audrey about talking over others in Chapter 2: The Pilgrim

Audrey: "I don't think I could fight off a mountain lion..."
Louise: "Don't worry, you won't have to. Remember, Mr. Bailey said it's just a story."
- Audrey about Foxmouth's ghost story in Chapter 3: Make Mine Melodies



  1. Marsh Avatar

    Audrey beloved <3

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School kittens
Audrey Louise Esther Willy Henry AdrianFrankieMiloSeamus